With the global pandemic causing some gym-goers to reconsider their favorite workout facility, staying physically active means getting creative with your exercise routine. There are plenty of safe ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle while stuck at home.

Stay close
Consider jogging, running, or taking a short hike as close to your home as possible. The late summer season is ideal to go outdoors to walk or ride a bicycle, like our CEO Pat Mahlangu does almost every weekend. “We spend a lot of time working indoors, glued to our computer screens and hardly take any time out in the sun. Outdoor workouts help because being out in the sun is the best source of Vitamin D which also boosts your mood”.
Of course, it goes without saying one should always adhere to the guidelines set to us by authorities, including wearing your mask at all times when you are outdoors and keep your sanitizer handy.
Creativity, creativity, creativity
Many people are using this time to exercise more often, especially it being the beginning of the year. We are seeing the hashtag #fetchyourbody2021 trending a lot on social media and fitness gurus and influencers are encouraging people to work out and keep physical. However, with limited resources, using your creativity and coming up with fun and exciting ways to do it, is prime during this time.
Dancing, yoga, and aerobics are just some of the creative ways you can keep fit. A not so conventional way of exercising in your home – is gardening or high-powered cleaning of your house. Your body will benefit from the movement, although you are merely doing your chores.
Ever heard of a standing desk? This trend made the rounds on social media a while ago, with people standing up at their desk, instead of sitting. Ideal for working at home, this is a creative way to stay fit.
Exercise with a friend
Conduct a virtual fitness class with a few of your friends and workout together. This is a fun way to catch up with loved ones while enjoying physical activity. Plan ahead and send your friends a detailed workout program beforehand so that they can gather any workout tools and aids that they may need ahead of time. Keep it fun and take turns each week as hosts.
The benefits
Exercising is a proven way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although it may be challenging with the current state of the world, it is possible. It is imperative to keep our minds and bodies active in order to boost our immune systems and help fight any illnesses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults need about 150 minutes of exercise a week. That’s about 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days a week.
Regardless of your age, some physical activity is better than none. Health experts suggest moving more and sitting less throughout the day.
Working out has immediate as well as long-term health benefits and reduces the risk of many health issues including diabetes, stress, and mental illness.