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#PatonTrends: How brands can fight through the noise and stand out in a digital world.

There is no doubt that digital is all the rage right now. Everywhere you go, people are looking down at their cell phones and other smart devices. Very few people are giving out their business cards, you can simply search a person by name now and have their entire professional repertoire at your fingertips.

Digital platforms have without a doubt, opened up interesting opportunities for brands to engage with consumers. Brands no longer must wait to see their sales reports in order to know their performance. Everything is a click away and brands can connect with their audience directly through social media.

On the flip side, this makes it easy for competitors to be seen. Especially if they have a good content creator or PR team that can spend a lot of time, effort, and energy on digital channels to boost awareness.

This brings me to the question; how do brands stand out and fight through the noise? Especially those that have been around for years and have not yet adjusted to the digital age.  

Source: unplash

Exposure may not always be the answer

Yes, brand awareness is important. However, building a strong brand is no longer just about exposing consumers to your brand. It is about the experience and interactions that your consumer has with your brand—speaking with employees, searching your website, interacting with your social media pages, and visiting your location.

All of these “touchpoints” need consideration as you rework your brand strategy. Therefore, it’s no longer what a brand says about themselves that matters to consumers, but instead it’s what consumers experience that counts. Marketing reiterates what your clients experience, it doesn’t define the experience.

Create an experience

People love to feel important, it’s human nature. Take advantage of that by taking your consumer on a journey. Brainstorm different ways for you to interact, in a two-way manner. Often times, in the digital space, brands tend to speak to their consumers, not with them.

It is important to start to develop effective experiences that create a significant impact. Society teaches us that fast is better. This isn’t always true, especially when it comes to connecting with consumers. Just like your personal relationships need to be nurtured, your consumers do, too.

Content is key

If you spend some time online, you know that the most important aspect of building a strong brand is content. Content is what drives your brand, makes you stand out from the clutter, and connects you with your consumer. The right content can separate you from the brands that are good to look at, and those that make actual sales or direct impact. Content is a brand’s assets. Assets that can then be used across their various platforms. It should be authentic, rich in the core values of the brand, and speak to your audience.

Fight for your seat at the table

The digital age is like a double-edged sword. It can be a good and bad thing, depending on how we use it. Incorporating a fighting spirit, authentic content, sticking to core values, and taking advantage of the technology that is available and vital to a digital brand- can have a positive effect and allow you to fight through the noise in this digitally cluttered, fourth industrial revolution-age.

Over and above what we’ve discussed, seeking an agency such as Lerato Agency to handle all touchpoints, means that you don’t have to worry about standing out. They can do it all for you.

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