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How influencers celebrate their Valentine’s Day

Influencers are now at dominating the conversations in marketing boardrooms as of late. Marketers are consistently trying to find ways of understanding influencers and how to use them. In an article published on BizCommunity Sylvester Chauke (CEO of DNA Brand Architects) posed a question on whether influencer marketing is still relevant. The answer is very much so, especially with continued rise on the use of social media.

Influencers are also people, they have needs and they care about the people around. Valentine’s Day is one of those days where people tend to show affection toward the things and people that they love. Also it is a big commercial day for most brands just like Christmas Day. Brands go all out to promote their Valentine’s Day special and in some of their promotions strategy they use influencers.

IndaHash – a popular platform that links brands and influencers conducted a study to understand how influencers celebrate Valentine’s Day. The study was conducted using surveys and just over 1000 influencers partcipated, globally. The aim of the study was to give brands a broader overview of their brands’ advocates behaviours as well as their competitor landscape.

The study discovered some really interesting insights. One of the major findings is that influencers do celebrate Valentine’s Day whether they are in a relationship or not. 91% of the influencers that participated in the study said they celebrate Valentine’s when they are in a relationship whilst 50% of single influencers said they do celebrate Valentine’s Day.

According to the report below is how single influencers celebrate Valentine’s Day:

  1. Celebrate with family (10%)
  2. Treat themselves to gifts or experiences (40%)
  3. Celebrate with friends (50%)

When it comes to shopping for gifts, the study found that 72% of influencers are most likely to be influenced by other influencers and women are as twice as likely to shop on a brand’s website than man.

The question is how will you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Leave your comments.

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