Founded by Apiwe Hotele, Enlighten Edu is an online tutoring platform designed to assist learners struggling with Mathematics and Science. Apiwe’s struggles with Mathematics and Science in high school inspired the birth of Enlighten Edu.

Background of Founder & CEO of Enlighten Edu
Apiwe Hotele was born and bred in a small village in Lady Frere, Vaalbank. She holds a BSc in Computer Science and Biochemistry cum laude from the University of Fort Hare and an MSc in Computer Engineering from the University of Cape Town. She works for various companies, whilst running the nominated youth-owned brand, Enlighten Edu.

How it all started: Enlighten Edu
Apiwe did not pursue Mathematics and Physical Science from grade 10-12 because of temporary teachers that would come and go. “When I was in grade 12, my father asked a retired Mathematics teacher to help me with Mathematics. This assisted me tremendously, I managed to get a level C, but that was not enough for medicine, which was what I wanted to do at the time”, says Apiwe.
With the introduction of Mathematical Literacy in 2006, a number of learners do not enroll for Mathematics (pure Maths). They struggle with Mathematics; hence they enroll for Mathematical Literacy. There has been a continuous decline in mathematics enrolments over the past couple of years, whilst in 2020 alone there was an increase of more than 9000 enrolments for Mathematical Literacy by matric students. – from 349 338 to 358 883 enrolments. This platform was created to motivate and encourage more students to pursue mathematics and science. Learners, tutoring companies, private tutors, teachers and parents can use the the online tutoring platform.
Enlighten Edu as the Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards nominee
Enlighten Edu was nominated as the Top Education Brand for the inaugural Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards (YOBA), a Pat on Brands initiative. “I was excited, it is truly an honor. It was a true Pat on the back that I am in the right direction. My journey with Enlighten-Edu has been very lonely and rocky from time to time. It is good to get reminded that it is all worth it and that is what the nomination did for me”, says Apiwe. Enlighten Edu did not walk away as the Top Education Brand at the YOBA awards. Although, nomination on its own proved that the brand is making waves and their hard work has been recognised.
Enlighten Edu’s vision for the next 5 years
Apiwe envisions Enlighten Edu as a pioneer for the next generation of Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) leaders that actively take part in the global knowledge economy. In the next five years, Enlighten Edu would like to have assisted over 15 000 students struggling with Mathematics and Science and have allowed over 5000 private tutors to run their tutoring services on the platform.