With the national lockdown being extended as announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night, we might be running out of things do to keep ourselves busy and entertained. There are few things that one can do to fill up time, you can either use this time to acquire a new skill or simply relax.
Here are FIVE activities that you can participate in, to help you maneuver through this COVID-19 lockdown.
Digital Marketing Programs
Digital marketing has helped elevate one’s skill in the marketing landscape. These skills can help you improve your business/brand or even your skillset as a professional. Websites such as, U-dimension University, Learn Digital With Google (Free), Shaw Academy and GetSmarter are platforms that provide access to all there is to know about digital marketing.
Culinary Skills
Now with food being the one thing that all of us would be consuming during this lockdown, it wouldn’t hurt to learn how to make a few dishes for yourself or your family to enjoy. Platforms like Foodies Of SA, Cucumbers and Cream, Cooking With Luyanda, LesDaChef, The Lazy Makoti are sure to give you a wide variety of simple and easy to prepare dishes which you can showoff.
Video Content Creation
With the demand for digital content on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, it’s no secret that almost EVERYONE is either creating or tuned into content across all these platforms. If you’re planning on opening up a page or channel, you may want to explore the websites such as Borrow Lenses, PeerSpace, and Videomaker to help you with video editing 101. There are also some tutorials on YouTube to help guide you if you’re ever stuck.
Closely tied with the video content creation activity, photography is one activity that some will end up mastering during such a time despite restrictions placed about going outside. Whether you have a smartphone or camera lying around, use this time to perfect your picture-perfect skills. Websites such as iPhone Photography School, Expert Photography and Creative Live, will provide top-notch lens work that you could start developing as a hobby on the side.
Meditation & Wellness
While many will be attempting to shed off the lockdown kilos, others want to achieve peace of mind that can enable them to be productive during this time or just work on relaxing their minds and bodies to alleviate any tensions. There are several platforms that can help you find your inner peace during this lockdown such as Headspace: Meditation and Sleep, Yoga Journal, and Very Well Mind. Other activities can include reading a book or any form of material if available at your disposal.
These are just examples of some of the activities that you can do during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Be sure to share your feedback and experiences if you’ve done any of these and tag @PatOnBrands #PatOnBrands .