We’re only three months into the year and its already at a standstill for many people across the world – particularly for those whose countries are affected by the Corona Virus pandemic.
The COVID-19 has spread throughout developed and underdeveloped countries such as Italy, China, USA and South Africa. With a disease that’s characterised as a far more “hectic flu”, it’s difficult to say how long it will last since its inception in 2019. Not only have businesses been affected, but so have people’s day to day activities including school, work and more importantly, socialisation outside of these environments.
Bringing it closer to home, many brands have taken decisive action to ensure that South Africans don’t get infected and don’t want to run up the risk of spreading the disease further than its current 60+ cases. The following events announced postponements/cancellation due to this crisis;
VW Vivo Nation
MTN Bushfire Festival
Scorpion Kings Live
Boys II Men Concert
Cape Town International Jazz Festival
Afrika Burn
Two Oceans Marathon
Heineken F1 Joburg Festival
With many more announcements yet to be made, we advise that you keep your ears and eyes open on social media on events taking place near you.