Involving humour in marketing and advertising is a technique that has been tried and tested by many brands. The reality remains that many people love to laugh, and seeing ads that give us giggles brightens our moods. Advertisements that tap into what makes consumers laugh can create a more meaningful relationship between the brand and its audience. Many brands use a variety of marketing strategies to create unforgettable customer experiences. The use of humour to sell products has been a driving force for many brands. However, some brands fail at this attempt.
Here is a look at some campaigns that have successfully leveraged humour to create a lasting impression.
CHICKEN LICKIN #Soulbites Nuggets of Wisdom

Chicken Licken is one of the most famous brands that put a smile on people’s faces . In a recent commercial, Chicken Licken launched an ad campaign featuring a new product – Soul Bite chicken nuggets with the theme ,”Nugget of Wisdom”.
This campaign featured some famous South African characters to bring the campaign to life and add a twist. Some of the characters include the famous artist Lebane ‘Rasta’ Sirenje. In this commercial, the policeman is looking to hire Rasta as a sketch artist. If you are familiar with Rasta’s work, you probably know what the outcomes of his work will be. Rasta is known for his drawings that do not depict his muse.
SAVANNA #Twirrashadeproject

Savanna Premium Cider is back with another exciting campaign called #Twirrashadeproject. The project turns the countries funniest shade thrown on Twitter into real shade with custom benches and murals to provide shade. It is one of the coolest campaigns given the impact of rising temperatures. Those interested in getting a glimpse of the shade can do so at one of these spots: Melrose Arch and Newtown Junction in Johannesburg. The V&A Waterfront in Cape Town.
NANDO’S #Scamandla

Nando’s is one of those brands known for hilarious campaigns that make you roll with laughter. The brand always leverages on the country’s current events and trends. Do you remember the Scamandla ad from 2021?. In that TV commercial, Nando’s was launching a new meal at an affordable price which you might consider a scam.
This advert (like all of them) was expected to prick the balloon of the current status quo. The emphasis on the low price was made with a voiceover saying: “It’s a timely reminder that we can’t afford to fall for anything that will lighten our pockets. But we can get the new Nando’s Prego and Chips for R49. Not a scam, just nje”. This campaign was bold, clever, funny, and addressed current affairs that are affecting the South African economy.

Netflorist is also another perfect example of using humor in marketing and advertising. The brand is primarily known for its creative play of words that leave a lasting impression on the audience. Their focus is on radio and Out-Of-Home (OOH) campaigns that make those commutes a little bit lighter.
People not only remember things that make them laugh, but they also tend to share them with others. When a brand creates a marketing campaign that makes people laugh, it has a great chance of expanding its reach.