South African brands that won the 2019 Cannes Lion Awards

South African Brands Cannes Lion Winners

The Cannes Lion Awards took place this past week in Venice. They are a global yardstick of creative excellence.  In short, the Cannes (as the they are popularly known) are what the Oscars are in the movie industry. They are a big deal and if your brand’s creative communications wins a Canne it means if you have done the damn things (only South Africans will get this).

The Cannes have been running for 66 years and is attended by thousands of people from different parts of the world. And each years they get bigger and better.

There are twenty categories that campaigns get nominated for. The categories range from print and publications to social and influencer lions.

As in the past South African brands and campaigns were nominated in this year’s Cannes. Here are the South African winners of the 2019 Cannes Lion Awards:

Alan Gray – Film (Consumer Services: Business to Business)

Alan Gray’s “Father’s Share” won a Silver Canne and their creative agency was King James Group Cape Town.  Watch here:

City Lodge – Radio Lion

City Lodge won a Gold Canne for their “more lodgy – less dodgy” radio campaign. The campaign was the work of TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg. Take a listen to the ad here:

Doom – Radio Lion

Tiger Brands’ Doom won a Silver Canne for their “You Should Have Used Fast, Deadly Doom: ‘Revenge of the Cockroach’ and ‘Revenge of the Mozzie” campaign by Ogilvy Johannesburg. Listen here:

Edgars – Entertainment Lion

Edgars’ “Don’t Tell Me What To Do” featuring Sho Madjozi campaign won on a Bronze. The ad agency behind this was VMLY&R South Africa.

Mercedes Benz SA – Entertainment Lion

Mercedes Brands SA won a Bronze for their “Return to Chaman’s Peak” film where the focus was on the S-Class. The ad agency behing this film was Net#Work BBDO. Wh

Nike South Africa – Lion for Change

Nike South Africa won a Bronze of for the “Just do it: Caster Semenya” and the ad agency behind the campaign is WIEDEN+KENNEDY Amsterdam.

A big Pat on these brands for representing South Africa at the Cannes.