The Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards have opened the floor to the public to nominate candidates to form part of the judging panel. The initiative is aimed at recognising and celebrating youth-owned brands that excel. In order to be a part of this career defining opportunity, they are giving professionals a chance to nominate themselves or someone who they think is an expert in the field of marketing and branding.

Start with the why
The Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards include a wide variety of categories, namely Accessories, Beverages, Agriculture, Beauty, Apparel, Homeware, Media, NPO Charities, Education, Personalities and Influencers, Footwear, Food, Travel and Tourism, Technology, Services and newly introduced category, Health and Wellness. The ‘16’ in the title represents the history that the youth of 1976 made on the 16th of June. The similarities between the youth of 1976 and the youth of today is the willingness to fight for what they believe is just.

“The jury for the YOBA’s play an important role in the form of their industry specific experience and technical expertise. This esteemed panel of judges will be required to have a strong point of view, impart wisdom and share technical experience during the judging process. In addition, we seek a jury who embraces diversity, creativity and have a passion for the youth of this country. Experiencing the high calibre jury from the YOBA’s 2022, I found commercial, entrepreneurial and business acumen to also be exceptionally important. Our esteemed YOBA jury for 2023 need to be future focused and want to make a purposeful difference in our country and continent,” comments Sadika Fakir, the Head Judge of the Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards jury.
Please note that this is voluntary and shortlisted judges will not be compensated.
The criteria
The Top 16 Youth-Owned Brands Awards strive to represent all South Africans, regardless of their gender, race and age. We encourage diversity through our jury selection process. Please see our jury criteria
- The nominee must be an industry expert or academic.
- The nominee must be a marketing and branding expert or;
- The nominee must have built or started a brand from scratch.
- The nominee must be an expert in the specific category being nominated for.
All nominations need to be submitted by Monday, 13 March 2023 on